Sewage water treatment compact is designed to treat waste water discharge from apartments, buildings, office centrals, restaurants, hotels or resorts... where there are people of living or working from 50 to 300 in the narrow space area in. An integral design consists of process of waste water treament which is buit-in, it operates automaticaly by itself and treated water discharge meets an A level of standards, it is allowed to discharge directly in sewer of city.
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Waste water discharge from all toilets of building or hotel...are connected to Inlet pipe of tank which installed at underground of basement. Process of water treatment is from Septic tank 1, throught to Septic tank 2. Then waste water goes to Equalization tank and is stored here within 24 hours of working and ensure that system will operates stable during working time. After that bacteria in Aeration tank will undertake the important role to treat water up to 98% of requirment. And finally water continues to go through the disinfection tank where virus such as Ecoli...will be destroyed totally before discharge to sewer system of city.